Alan Han

Cornell University

Junior majoring in Computer Science. Actively researching in the field of Software Engineering and Software Testing to help developers have access to more testing tools.

My Interests

I am currently interested in all aspects related to CS. The topic I am passionate about learning right now is the relationship between hardware and software through computer systems. My research includes developing better tools for data race analysis and reducing costs of current techniques.

Relevant Coursework: Object-Oriented Programming & Data Structures, Data Structures and Algorithms, Functional Programming, Linear Algebra, Foundations of Artificial Intelligence, Differential Equations

Outside of coursework I enjoy learning about open-source development, game development, and artistic design. I also love to work out and reading comics in my free time.


Programming Languages

These are languages I am proficient in an interested in working with





Favorite Dev Tools

Here are some tools I've love using day-to-day





Software Testing

Testing techniques used in practice to ensure high quality software

Test Design

Regression Testing

Integration Testing

Test Generation


Feel free to click on each to learn more!


Deployed a Recipe App using React and Tailwind. Implemented data storage for favorite recipes, pages for recipe instructions and restaurant recommendations. Utilized the API Spoonacular to extract information for images and cooking instructions.


A simple game involving dodging arrows and collecting coins. Made in Unity complete with particle effects, scoring systems, collisions, and menus Created as a workshop for a Hackathon, with associating in-depth tutorial written.

Inline Testing - Python

Complete entire development process for a Python Pytest plugin, including implementation, and code reviews. Collaborated with 2 PhD students and an undergraduate student to implement the testing end-to-end. Published as a paper at ICSE 2023:

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